Neck, Back & Shoulder Aromatherapy Massage
Using essential oils that appeal to your senses as well as absorbed by your body an aromatherapy massage is tailored to your body’s needs in consultation with a professional aromatherapist.
Neck, Back & Shoulder Aromatherapy
Price from: £25.00
Aromatherapy massage is a total body experience using natural oils with healing, relaxing or energising properties. These natural fragrances appeal to your senses when inhaled through the olfactory glands they send a chemical message to your brain to trigger an emotional response.
Oils are blended after consultation depending on your desired emotional response. Combined with massage and aromatherapy massage can help you relax, aid sleeping and feel peaceful or invigorate, energise and stimulate your body.
Book an Aromatherapy treatment
Call us on 07702 494 731 or fill in the form below and we'll be in touch.
Bev Jones
Phone number 07702494731
Inst @emerald.waya
Facebook @emeraldwaya
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